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Written by Pastor Terry McGovern

What is Truth?

Pilate was the governor of Judea during the time Jesus Christ was on the earth. He served as Christ's judge when He was arrested, and he was the man that gave permission for the crucifixion. During Jesus' trial, he asked a very important question, "What is truth?" I believe that Pilate asked this question with cynicism, no longer believing that man can know truth. 

This view of truth would lead to Pilate's death. Two years after Pilate asked this question, he lost his position and committed suicide. When you no longer believe there is absolute truth, you open the door for despair. Living apart from truth leaves your only hope in a wicked and cruel world, which is groping in darkness. 

Our culture has arrived at the same view of truth as Pilate, believing there is no absolute truth. Our society sees truth as relative. They believe every man has his own truth, his own way, his own path, and that there is no absolute truth. This leads to confusion, hopelessness, and despair as man seeks meaning apart from God Who is truth. Just as Pilate's view of truth led him to despair and suicide, so our society's view of truth is leading to the death of our culture. Violence is taking over, suicides are rising, and addictions are controlling people. Without truth, purpose becomes vanity or meaningless and despair follows.

The answer to the problems we see is to know Truth. In understanding truth, and what is true, this statement is important: I am not seeking truth, I know truth. Jesus said:

"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

Jesus is Truth

Knowing Jesus is truth leads to what is taught in John 8:32:

"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Free from the vanity of life; free from groping in darkness; free to understand why you are here. How many people have no idea why they even exist! Many believe they exist because of a random act of the cosmos! Therefore, they live without believing there is any real meaning of life. They live life for the here and now. They live life not believing one day they will be held accountable for their actions. They live life without any real purpose.

Until you know Jesus Christ, you are apart from eternal truth. Knowing why Jesus was here and who He is is of utmost importance! So who is He, what did He do, and how does someone who was here more than 2,000 years ago affect me today?

The truth is, Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Creator of the universe. He is what life is all about. He is truth! To know Him is to know truth! WHen He was on this earth 2,000 years ago, He came to save you from a judgment that is to come. Most have heard Jesus died for them and rose again from the dead, but they don't understand what that means. Let me explain this truth:

One day, you will stand before God and be judged. The Bible says in Hebrews 9:27:

"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:"

The important question is will you be found guilty when God judges you? To answer that question you must look at the law of God. For example, here is a portion of God's law: "Thou shalt not steal." Have you ever stolen anything? "Thou shalt not bear false witness [lie]." Have you ever lied before? "Thou shalt not covet." Have you ever lusted?

Not Knowing Truth

The truth is you have broken God's law and will be found guilty.

So what happens to those who are found guilty at this judgment? In Revelation 20:11-14 and 21:8, we see what happens: They are cast into a lake of fire for eternity! Somehow you need to be innocent at this judgment. Something must take place where it looks like you are perfect and have never broken God's law!

This is why Jesus Christ came to the earth. He came to save you from judgment/hell. The Bible tells us:

"...God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."

God loves you and desires to save you from this judgment. So over 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, came to this earth! He lived a perfect life, thus fulfilling the law. He is the only one who could go to the judgment, and the Father could declare, "You are innocent!" However, He lived that perfect life for you! He then took our place in judgment, and that was Jesus dying on the cross. He died in your place on the cross! When Jesus was on the cross He was being judged for you sins! He took your judgment!

So Jesus died on the cross, but hell did not hold Him! He is God! After three days and three nights Jesus defeated death and rose from the dead!

2 Corinthians 5:21 teaches us what Chirst did when He died on the cross for our sins.

"For he (God the Father) hath made him (Jesus) to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him."

Jesus took you sin upon Himself as if He was the sinner and was judged in your place. He then offers you His righteousness, which is perfect!

So what do you need to do knowing Jesus died for you?

Receive Truth

Repent and place your faith in Jesus Christ to save you.

Turn from whatever you have been trusting in, i.e., baptism, good works, religion, atheism, etc. Then place your faith in Christ alone. When a person sees his need of Christ, he must come to Him and Him alone for salvation.

How does a person do that? When Jesus died on the cross two men died with Him that day. One of those men did repent and place his faith in Jesus Christ. This man was afraid of the judgment to come. As he was dying, he admitted to his sin and recognized Jesus was perfect and the only one who could help him. He then called upon Christ in faith and asked the Lord to "remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom." To which the Lord replied, "today thou shalt be with me in paradise." What did he do? He placed his faith in Christ alone to save him!

Place your faith in Christ alone! Call upon Him in repentance and faith (Romans 10:9, 10, 13).

If you place your faith in Christ alone believing He died for you and rose again, He will save you. Call upon Him in faith, telling Him you are sorry for your sins and you know how wretched you are and that you believe Jesus died for your sins and rose again from the dead! Tell God you now receive Christ as your Lord and Savior!

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John 4:14 KJV: 
But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

The Word of God can be likened to clean, pure water that nourishes the pilgrim's soul while he sojourns through this wicked world. Someday soon we will be with the Word Who is the Lord Jesus Christ! "Even so, come, Lord Jesus!"

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