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  • Michael W. Larson

Joy Unspeakable

Read 1 Peter 1:3-9

It is challenging to discuss joy when it's unspeakable! Unfortunately, there are times when it is difficult to express that kind of joy on our faces. I believe that the key is knowing the source of our joy. Before going any further, we should understand the difference between happiness and joy. Happiness depends on circumstance. For instance, many people were happy when the Chicago Cubs won the world series in 2016. Joy is being happy despite the situation. (Perhaps some of you were unhappy that the Cubs won, but you're still going strong!) Once, John R. Rice went to see his friend. "How are you doing?" he asked. "I'm doing great under the circumstances," his friend replied. "What are you doing under there?"

Now we should recognize the source of our joy. Our text says that our joy comes from Jesus Christ, who gave us that beautiful, undefiled, incorruptible, unfading, reserved inheritance called salvation! I am so thankful that my salvation can't be lost. I have an Anchor that keeps my soul! However, there are times when we can lose the joy of our salvation. That's when we need to get back on our knees and cry out, like David, "Lord, restore unto me the joy of my salvation and renew a right spirit within me" (Psalms 13:12, 10). Since Satan failed at keeping you for himself, he feels he must attack your testimony. He will do this by attempting to divide you or by smiting a loved one with a sickness or disease or any other method.

To keep our joy, we need to make sure we are close to our Good Shepherd. Psalms 16:11 says that "in [God's] presence is fulness of joy." That means we must continue seeking God's face in everything. You need to be continually connected to God. Besides being in God's Word and praying daily, you should regularly listen to preaching and receive godly counsel. No man lives unto himself. When we think we can handle things on our own, we find ourselves making grave mistakes. Continue to trust in the Lord and always remember what He has done for you thus far. Therein ye shall have joy unspeakable!

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